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Please use this form to request information on adding a new class or course. Our staff will contact you shortly to discuss scheduling.
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Emergency Vehicle Driver Training (EVDT)
Active Threat 2-Day
Advanced Patrol Tactics
Advanced Public Safety Ethics and Providing Legally Defensible Public Safety Services Today
Advanced Sniper Training
Advanced Sniper Training - Cold Weather Training
Advanced/Master Instructor Development
After the Fire: First Responder Resiliency and Physical and Mental Health, Surviving and thriving as a first responder
ALERRT Active Threat Integrated Response
Basement Fires
Basic Crisis Negotiations Course
Basic Wildland Firefighting
Building Construction
Building Construction: Large Area Lightweight Residential Apartment Complexes
Care Under Fire - Life Saving Measures for Patrol Officer
Certification Challenge: D/O - Aerial
Certification Challenge: D/O - Mobile Water Supply
Certification Challenge: D/O - Pumper
Certification Challenge: Firefighter I - Entry Level
Certification Challenge: Firefighter II - Advanced
Clandestine Drug Lab Awareness Class: The Overlap of Hazmat and Crime Scenes
Close Quarter Rifle
Command Leadership Institute
Conducting Complete Traffic Stops
Crime Scene Photography
Crisis Response and De-Escalation
Death, Injury, & Sexual Violence Scene for the First Responder
Decision Making for Initial Company Operations - DMICO (NFA)
Domestic Violence Homicides, Suspicious Death, or Missing Person
Driver/Operator - Aerial Apparatus
Driver/Operator - Pumper
Emergency Management Quarterly Training
Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)
Emergency Medical Technician Psychomotor Exam
Emergency Response to Clandestine Drug Labs
Emergency Services UTV/ATV and Trailer Operations and Safety Program
Enforcement of PA Vehicle Inspection Regulations - ILEE
Engine Company Operations - ECOP
Extremism 101
FEMA Student Identification Number (SID)
Field Training Officer Certification
Fire Dynamics: Fundamentals - FDF
Fire Dynamics: Strategy & Tactics - FDST
Fire Officer I - FO/I
Fire Police: Advanced - AFPO
Fire Police: Basic - BFPO
Fire Service Civil Unrest Response
Fire Service Instructor I - FSI/I
Firefighter Survival - SURV
Firefighter Training: Advanced - ELAF (FF-II)
Firefighter Training: Entry Level (FF-I)
Firefighting Operations at Residential Fires and Townhomes
Firefighting Operations at Strip Stores and Mercantile buildings
Firefighting Operations in Apartment Buildings
Firefighting Operations in Mega Mansions & Large Area Residential Structures
Flashover Recognition and Survival
G-317: Community Emergency Response Team - CERT
High Risk Traffic Stops - ILEE
Human Trafficking Investigations - Federal Bureau of Investigations
ICS 400 - Advanced ICS for Command & General Staff
ICS-100.c: Introduction to the Incident Command System
ICS-200.c: Basic ICS for Initial Response
ICS-300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
ICS-700.b: An Introduction to the NIMS
ICS-800.d: Introduction National Response Framework
Incident Command System & Resource Management for the Fire Service (ICSRMFS) (NFA)
Incident Safety Officer - ISO (NFA)
Increasing High Performance While Minimizing Risks in Today’s Law Enforcement and Public Safety Environments
Introduction to Marksmanship (Pistol)
Introduction to Point Shooting
Investigating Basic Sex Crimes
Junior Firefighter
LE Behavioral Awareness Second Sight TS
Leadership I: Strategies for Company Success - (NFA)
Leadership II: Strategies for Personal Success
Leadership III: Strategies for Supervisory Success (NFA)
Lethal Weapons Training - PA Act 235
Lethal Weapons Training - PA Act 235 - Recertification
Low Light Shooting
Managing High Performance: Motivating Today's Team Members Towards Both Individual and Organizational High Performance and Success
Mobile Field Force - Basic Tactics
Monadnock Expandable Baton (MEB) Instructor Course
Moving Into Leadership: The Fundamentals to Success
MPS Online: Mobile for Public Safety - Police Training
NRA Law Enforcement Handgun Instructor Development School
NRA Law Enforcement Patrol Rifle Instructor Development School
Passenger Vehicle Rescue (Awareness, Operations, Technician)
Patrol Legal Survival
Pipeline Security for Rural Communities
Pistol Manipulation for Deadly Force Encounters
Preparation for Initial Company Operations - PICO (NFA)
Pressurized Water Can Firefighting
Principles of Building Construction: Combustible (NFA)
Principles of Building Construction: Non-Combustible (NFA)
Rapid Intervention Teams - RITC
Real World Use of Force
Report Writing and Case Preparation - ILEE
Response to Battery Emergencies
Right Front Seat
Rural Water Supply & Tanker Operation
Scenario Based EVOC for Patrol
Situational Awareness Weapons Training
Sniper School: Basic
Solo Officer Rapid Deployment (SORD)
Sprinkler System Operations
Standpipe Operations
Strategy & Tactics for Initial Company Operations - STICO (NFA)
Structural Burn Session
Successfully Addressing Today’s Public Safety Recruiting and Retention Challenges
Tactical Skills for Active Threat
Take Us to the Top: The 25 Steps to Leadership and Organizational Success
Traffic Incident Management (TIM)
Trailer Operations & Safety Program
Truck Company Operations I - TCRO
UTV/ATV Operations & Safety Program
GSC Classrooms
GSC Conference Rooms
PSTC Academic Building
PSTC Law Enforcement Firing Range
PSTC Online Location
PSTC Tactical Village
Technical College High School - Brandywine
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