Fire Dynamics: Fundamentals - FDF
Class Date(s) Sunday, Jan 12 2025 8:00AM-12:00PM  
Class# 25FS91071  

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Description: The course provides the firefighter the basic knowledge to reinforce the evidence based research conducted by Underwriters Laboratories (UL), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and other fire service organizations.  This course introduces new terminology related to fire dynamics, legacy verse modern fuel loads, new construction techniques, flow paths, door control, and ventilation that all impact fire ground operations.

Training Audience: Firefighters of all levels.

Prerequisite(s): Exterior Firefighter (ELEF)

Course Length: 4-hours

Certification: Pennsylvania State Fire Academy certificate will be issued

Textbook: Materials will be provided in class.

Equipment Needs: Pen / pencil, note-taking material.

Pennsylvania Department of Health Continuing Education Hours: None

Course Contact: Matt Fink, Fire Training Manager, office: (610) 344-5017 or via email at

Price $150.00
  Class is Full
Click on Full Description for Registration Instructions
Class Location
Academic Bldg. #126
Public Safety Training Campus , 137 Modena Road
Coatesville, PA   19320
(610) 344-4100