Driver/Operator - Aerial Apparatus
Class Date(s) Thursday, May 22 2025 7:00PM-10:00PM  
Thursday, May 29 2025 7:00PM-10:00PM  
Saturday, May 31 2025 8:00AM-4:30PM  
Sunday, Jun 1 2025 8:00AM-4:30PM  
Saturday, Jun 14 2025 8:00AM-4:30PM  
Class# 25FS96021  

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Description: The purpose of this program is to identify emergency service personnel who demonstrate competency in the performance requirements necessary to perform the duties of a firefighter. The NFPA 1002 Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications identifies the minimum requirements for firefighters who drive and operate fire apparatus in both emergency and non-emergency situations. A person certified at the Aerial Driver/Operator level will have demonstrated competency in the necessary knowledge and skills, to perform the minimum requirements of an emergency vehicle driver/operator.

Training Audience: Anyone who in the course of their duties is responsible for the operation of an aerial apparatus.

Prerequisite(s): Fire Fighter I Certification, valid Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Driver’s License. 

Course Length: 35 - hours

Certification: ProBoard Driver/Operator - Aerial Certification and the following Pennsylvania State Fire Academy certificates will be issued upon completion of the course: Aerial Apparatus Practices (AELA), Emergency Vehicle Operator Training (EVOT) Aerial.

Textbook: International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 2nd Edition. Textbook will be provided in class.

Equipment Needs: Pen / pencil, note-taking material. Full turnout gear. Access to an aerial apparatus to operate and drive for class and for the National Certification Test.  

Pennsylvania Department of Health Continuing Education Hours: None

Course Contact: Matt Fink, Fire Training Manager, (610) 344-5017 or via email at

Price $500.00
  Class is Full
Click on Full Description for Registration Instructions
Class Location
Academic Bldg. #126
Public Safety Training Campus , 137 Modena Road
Coatesville, PA   19320
(610) 344-4100