Decision Making for Initial Company Operations - DMICO (NFA)
Class Date(s) Saturday, Feb 22 2025 8:00AM-4:30PM  
Sunday, Feb 23 2025 8:00AM-4:30PM  
Class# 25FS999091  

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Description: This two-day course is designed to develop the decision-making skills needed by Company Officers (COs) to accomplish assigned tactics at structure fires. All activities and scenarios used in this course are based on structure fires. With the real possibility of being the first to arrive at an incident, the CO’s initial decisions will have an impact throughout the entire incident. It is vital that COs be able to make good management decisions that have a favorable impact on the eventual outcome.

In addition to a possible role as the initial Incident Commander, the CO may well be assigned a subordinate position within the Incident Command System organization. COs need to have a clear understanding of the system, the position that they are assigned to, and their role in the organization if they are to function effectively and help make the system work.

Training Audience: Company officers, acting company officers, or senior firefighters responsible for the management of a single fire company at an emergency incident.

Prerequisites: ICS 100, ICS 200 recommended minimum Pennsylvania Entry Level Interior Firefighter (ELIF) and 3 years of fire service experience.

Course Length: 16 hours

Certification: National Fire Academy Decision Making for Initial Company Operations certificate will be applied for at the complexation of class.

Textbook: NFA Decision Making for Initial Company Operations manual will be issued.

Equipment Needs: Pen / pencil, note-taking material.

Course Contact:   Matt Fink, Fire Training Manager, office: (610) 344-5017 or via email at

Price $200.00
Class Location
Academic Bldg. #121
Public Safety Training Campus , 137 Modena Road
Coatesville, PA   19320
(610) 344-4100