Clandestine Drug Lab Awareness Class: The Overlap of Hazmat and Crime Scenes
Class Date(s) Monday, Dec 9 2024 12:00PM-3:00PM  
Class# 2421972  

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Description: This course will teach students indicators that are present at a clandestine drug lab. Students will also be able to identify at least five hazards that are associated with a clandestine drug lab.

 Topics included in this training are:

  • Grows/Cultivation Operations: Marihuana and Mushroom cultivation
  • Extraction labs: Dimethyltryptamine and Cannabis concentrates
  • Synthesis labs: Methamphetamine, MDMA/MDA, and Fentanyl
  • Milling and tableting labs: Fentanyl, Steroids, and Benzodiazepines
  • Conversion labs: Methamphetamine and Cocaine


Training Audience: Law Enforcement Officers

Prerequisite(s): None

Course Length: 3 hours

Course Contact: Kevin Bernard, Law Enforcement Training Coordinator, (610) 344-4619 or

Price $0.00
Class Location
Range Bldg. #210
Public Safety Training Campus , 137 Modena Road
Coatesville, PA   19320
(610) 344-4100