Certification Challenge: D/O - Pumper
Class Date(s) Sunday, Nov 16 2025 8:00AM-5:00PM  
Class# 25FS96112  

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Course Description : The purpose of this program is to identify emergency service personnel who demonstrate competency in the performance requirements necessary to perform the duties of a firefighter. The NFPA 1002 Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications identifies the minimum requirements for firefighters who drive and operate fire apparatus in both emergency and non-emergency situations. A person certified at the Pumper Driver/Operator level will have demonstrated competency in the necessary knowledge and skills, to perform the minimum requirements of an emergency vehicle driver/operator.

Prerequisite (s): A valid Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Driver’s License, must be 18 years of age, and access to a Class A Pumper. A student must also possess a CDL with tanker and air brakes endorsement or Pennsylvania State Fire Academy Emergency Vehicle Operator Training (EVOT) with "Pumper" listed on the certificate. The EVOT course must have been instructed by an instructor recognized by the Pennsylvania State Fire Academy.

Application Requirements: Completed applications must be received at the test site (CCPSTC) three weeks (21 days) prior to the written test date. Applications received after this deadline or incomplete applications will NOT be accepted for testing.

Equipment: Full Turnout Gear and the student must be able to provide a Class A Pumper Truck meeting all specifications.

Testing application and candidate handbook can be found at: www.osfc.pa.gov

Course Contact: Matt Fink, Fire Training Manager, (610) 344 – 5017 or jfink@chesco.org.

Price $250.00
  5 Seats Remaining
Class Location
TV - Entire Tactical Village
137 Modena Rd
Coatesville, PA   19320